The Forms Page Part allows you to safely capture information from your website visitors. You could use this page part as a basic contact us form, or for something as in-depth as a job application form. Please make sure you are using the newest version of forms. If you see the below message, please reach out to support to upgrade your forms or click the Upgrade to Form v2 button.
Please note, although the newest Form page part uses reCAPTCHA, the form is not appropriate to accept secure information from your users. Please do not ask them to fill out their social security numbers, credit cards, or other information that ought to remain private and protected. Entries in the forms are not protected by SiteWrench and can be emailed or forwarded to any party. There is a way to accept payments through your forms that is safe and secure for you and your users. If you are interested in this option, please view Part 5.
Find what you Need:
Part 1: Form Fields
When you first install the Forms page part, you must create the fields for your users to fill out.
Standard Fields
Single Line Text | Use for short answers like "First Name" |
Paragraph Text | Use for longer answers lke "Leave a Comment" |
Dropdowns | Allows you to give users multiple options to choose from. They can only select one choice. |
Confirmation Checkbox | Write out text similar to, "By checking this box you agree to..." |
Radio Button | Allows you to give users multiple options to choose from, like Dropdowns. But instead of condensed in a Dropdown view, all of the options are laid out as circular buttons. They can only select one choice. |
File Upload | Allow users to upload files to you, like resumes or images. |
Section | Allow users to create headings for different sections of the form. |
Smart Fields
Smart Fields have multiple functions:
- Shortcut to add commonly used single text fields like Email and Phone Number
- Validate data types
- Connect the user's email response to send them automatic email responses and notifications
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Zip Code |
Date |
Time |
Configuring Fields
Edit the existing fields at any time by clicking on them. You can edit the field labels. Once you adjust it, select "Done." If you want to delete the entire field, select the "Delete" button.
- Add a Default Value to your fields. The field will show whatever you type until your user starts typing in the field.
- Rearrange your fields by dragging and dropping them into place.
- Add Instructions to your fields. When users hover over the field, they will see your Instructions as a pop up box.
- Make your fields required or optional. If they are required, your user cannot submit the form until they fill out the field. Required fields have a little asterisk by them to denote they are required to your users.
Use Answer Templates
Answer Templates are in place to make your form set up easier. We have several answer templates that pre-populate the field labels with the users' choices.
Part 2: Entries
Once you've created a form, the Resposes tab is the default view so you can quickly see form responses.
- Download all of the entered form data to CSV by selecting "Export all Responses"
- Delete undesired form entries
- Select "Details" to view the form entries
- Select "Next" and "Previous" buttons to see all detailed views
Filter Entries
- Use the pagers at the bottom of the form to select which page and how many entries you want to load within your view
- Use the date range to filter entries submitted during the dates you select
- Enter a keyword and filter entries to look for submissions that contain that keyword
Part 3: Responses
Use on-page confirmation or redirect to another page on your website
On-page confirmation: Give your users a message on the page where they submitted the form. The form disappears and your message appears. You have full control over what content appears to your users with our wysiwyg editor toolbar.
Redirect to another page: After your users submit the form, the page will reload and they will be redirected to an existing page on your site. You can consider creating a Thank You response page and putting content in specifically those who fill out your form.
Automatically email a response to your form user
When you set up the form with the Email Smart Field, you can go to the Response tab and select the checkbox to send an email response the respondent. Craft your message using the wysiwyg editor toolbar. The message you automatically email your user can be unique from the message you provide when the user submits the form. If you'd like to CC this response to an email address provided by the form submission you can do so by choosing the form field to use as the "CC Email Address Field".
In addition, you can also choose to select the checkbox to have the user's information that they filled out in the form appear in the automatic email message.
Part 4: Notifications
You can set up notifications so that when a user submits a form, you or anyone on your team will receive an email with the contents of the form in the email. Your team members do not have to be SiteWrench administrators to receive form notifications.
Don't worry about forgetting to set up your notifications, we will give you a reminder message if you don't yet have a notification email set up on your form!
Create logic-based rules for notifications
Go a step further with your form notifications and set them up so that when a user submits a particular response, the form notification goes to the email of your choice. For instance, you can ask an applicant which department they want to apply to -- Technology, Marketing, or Support. Based on their response, you can route their form submission to the head of those specific departments.
Reply directly to your form respondent
When your team receives a form notification, you can choose to reply directly to the respondent via email. This is configured when you set up the form with the Email Smart Field and turn on the 'Reply To Email Address' toggle in the Notification tab. You can also customize the subject line for the notification emails you receive. Form Completed! will be the default, but you can customize to include the form name so you know exactly what form you are receiving notifications from.
Part 5: Settings and Enabling Payments on Forms
General Settings
When you go to the General Settings tab, you will find options to collect the form URL for each response and to change the text inside the Submit button. This will also provide an option to add a webhook.
Enable Payments
In order to enable payments on your Form Page Part, you must have your payment gateway set up on your site. Learn more about how to manage your Merchant Account in order to accept payments through your site.
When you enable payments, you can choose to set a Base Price on your form. This Base Price means that any form submission will require payment at the price you set.
Regardless of whether you set up the Base Price or not, you can configure individual fields as optional additional payments. In this case, you may elect to charge more if a user selects a particular choice. You have set up additional pricing options for selections using the Dropdowns, Checkboxes, or Radio Buttons.
You can also allow your website visitors to enter in a unique value by adding in a new type of field, called the “Number” field. The Number field will accept numerical values of any integer, positive or negative. You can select the checkbox to allow this Number field to affect the payment portion, which will automatically enforce positive numbers and update the billing amount shown to include the value entered.
You could utilize this Number field for many things like invoice payments or allowing people to add on an additional optional donation to their purchase.
If you use Stripe as your payment gateway, you will also be able to use the Recurring Payment option. At this time, does not allow recurring payments.
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