Pages is where your site's content comes together. You can add pages to your site, adjust settings, and then add page parts (various types of functionality such as custom content, blogs, calendars, etc) to those pages.
Quick Links
- Page List Display
- Adding Pages
- Editing Pages
- Deleting Pages
- Reordering Pages
- Page Content Areas
- Page Alerts
- Viewing a Page Live
- Adding, Reordering, Deleting Page Parts
- Page Part Display Settings
- Minimize Page Parts in the Admin View
- Working with Page Access and Editing Restrictions
- Working with Page Parts
- Page Templates
Page List Display
You can display the page listing as a sitemap (tree view) view or as a list view in alpha order. This option is found under your listing of pages.
You can even search for a particular page using the search tool found at the top. The search tool will search by a page's name, shortcut, title, and owner.
Adding Pages
To add new pages to your site, you have 1 of 2 options to create a new page. You can click on the 'Add Page' button at the top of the system to create a new top level navigation page. Option 2 is to click the add subpage link that will appear when you hover over any existing page in your sitemap. This will allow you add a new sub page into a section of pages if you would like.
Once you've began the process to add a new page, you will get a window allowing you to enter the initial information and settings for the page. This will include the page name, page title, shortcut, type, and more. If you want to add multiple pages at a time to quickly build out a section of pages, click the 'Toggle Multi Inserting" link.
- Give the new page a Name. You'll notice that the Shortcut (quick access link to the page) and Title (Displays in the title bar and tabs of your browsers) will be auto-populated based off what you entered for the Page Name, and you can easily change this by editing each of those fields.
- Choose a parent page. This is selected by default based on where you chose to add the page from, however, it can be changed.
- Choose the type of page that you would like to create.
- Content Page - This is a standard page on your site that you would add content and the various page parts (functionality such as blogs, photo galleries, etc) to. This is what you will use 95% of the time which is why it is selected by default.
- Link Page - Setting your page to a link page will allow your "redirect link" to have a page representation in your menus and sitemap. When clicked, it will link to whatever link you have created. This can be an internal or external page, a link to a file, etc.
- Grouping Page - Decide if you would like this page to act as as placeholder page and group other pages. Grouping a set of pages allows you to have 'sections' of pages that act as a group. If you choose this option, you will have two choices based on your page load preferences for this grouping page. An example of a grouping page would be that of a 'Youth' Grouping page. Youth would be the parent page, and its children would be subpages including Preteens, Teens, Highschoolers, and College Students.
- Choose the 'template' you would like this page to load into when accessed. The Default template is generally your basic template with a sidebar navigation; the "full" template is essentially a default template with no sidebar navigation. Some sites have additional templates, so if you have a particular 'Youth' shell that you want this page to load into, select that from your templates drop down.
- General Page Settings: A page is set by default as "Published" and "Include this page in site navigation." If it's published, it is accessible by the direct link, or shortcut, you added when you created the page. If it's included in site navigation, it means this page is visible in your page navigation menus and your sitemap.
- Published Status: This is on by default which means the page can be loaded. Turning this option off removes the page completely and no one other can view the page even if they have a direct link to it, they will hit a "Page Not Found" message. Only a SiteWrench editor can access an unpublished page by logging in and editing it. If you would like to hide the page from the general public but keep it visible to those with the direct link, keep the page "Published" and uncheck "Include this page in site navigation." This will give you a good way preview your content before the general public stumbles upon it. You can then toggle this setting back on later when you are ready for the page to go live (become published).
- You can also select the option to "Exclude page from search engine indexing" if you do not want Google to cache the page or its content.
- If you "Require HTTPS," the wildcard SSL that is automatically applied to your site will be forced to appear, unless you have a site specific SSL that we have set up for you. Learn more about SSLs here.
- Note: If you are wanting to create a restricted access page (which forces viewers to login with their profile or a password you have set for the page to view its content), click to view our Page Access Restrictions article here.
- Publish Via Date Range: The page will be set to "Always" on, which means the page will be visible as long as it is set to Published. If you would like to have the whole page unpublish itself after a period of time, you can toggle the option to "From" and select the date range. For example, you can have the page unpublish itself the day after Christmas while you are out of the office, that way no one can access the page.
- Click Add to add this page to your sitemap so that you can create more pages and build out your sitemap. Click 'Add and Edit' to add the page and begin editing it instantly.
Editing Pages
To edit any page on your site you'll first need the appropriate editing permissions to do so. A super admin user has access to edit all pages within the site. A 'standard user' will need their local administrator (primary account owner or other super admin) to give them access to the page(s) that they should be able to edit. For more information on editing permissions, see the editing permissions link here.
Edit Page Content
To edit a page, click on the page's name to access it for editing. Access the help article on the right for working with the different functions of the system or access the article here: Page Parts.
Edit Page Settings
To edit a page's settings at any time from the sitemap view, hover over the page name and click the settings icon. The page's settings will be displayed in a modal window for you to edit and save.
You can also click on the same settings icon to edit the page's settings when in the edit content view of a page.
Deleting Pages
When viewing the sitemap, hover over the page to view the settings icon as mentioned above and click on the settings icon. At the bottom of the modal window that will be displayed, click the red 'Delete Page' button. Clicking the same settings icon when you are in the editing content view will prompt the same modal window.You will be sent through a series of confirmations to delete the entire page.
Option 1: Irreversibly Delete Page and Parts. This will completely remove this page and its installed page parts completely.
Option 2: Delete Page and Uninstall Page Parts: This will completely` remove the page, however, the installed page parts will be 'uninstalled' or removed from the page but saved, so that you can use them at a later date. You can view the uninstalled page parts from your 'Page Parts' tab of the system. As a note, uninstalled page parts do utilize your allowed hosting plan quantities for that page part.
Reordering Pages
Using Drag and Drop you can easily reorder your pages within your sitemap. Access the main 'Pages' area of the system and you will see a listing of your pages (sitemap). Click and hold on any page you are wanting to move, drag the page wherever you would like for it to be moved to within your sitemap and release the click. The page will be instantly moved to that location.
Page Content Areas
Each design template we create for you can have several content areas. By default, your initial view when editing a page is the 'main' section. This is the primary section of your page where you will place content. Your page will expand vertically as much as you'd like as you add content and the various page parts to it.
Other content areas will be discussed with you should they apply to your design. For example, if you have a 'header' area that will display an image or a banner rotator, that often is installed and managed in the 'top' content area. Click on the various content area's to access each of them for editing.
Page Alerts
You can display an alert in a modal window that will display (based on the preferences that you set when creating the alert) to the viewer. Click the icon to view the page alert modal.
Enter the alert message (html if you would like) and set the options including beginning and editing dates, times, and viewing settings. Clicking on this same icon once the alert has been created allows you to edit or delete the alert as well.
Pro Tip: Add a link
With a little HTML know-how, you can also add a link to your message. Copy the following text and code, paste it in the alert box and then replace the place holder text with your link and linked text.
It'll look something like this:
<a href="">Link to</a>
Note: When you put in the URL of your target page, just to be safe go to the target page and copy the whole URL from the address bar. Also be sure that the whole URL is enclosed by quotation marks.
Pro Tip 2: Once you add the link, be sure to test it.
Viewing a Page Live
Click on the view this page link to load the last saved state of the page live in a new window. This is useful if you are wanting to see the content live on your page without having to manually open a new browser window or tab and entering the page's address.
Adding, Reordering, Deleting Page Parts
Click on install page part button on the page to add new page parts to your page. You will see a list of available page parts in your SiteWrench plan. Select the one you want to install and then the page will refresh with the newly installed page part toward the bottom of the page.
To reorder page parts on the page, click the reorder page parts button, drag and drop the page parts in the order you would like to have them, and click the Done Reodering button. The page parts will be instantly reordered.
To delete a page part click the page part's setting icon and follow the delete process. You'll be prompted to either uninstall the page part (which allows you to save it for later use) or to irreversibly delete the part completely.
Page Part Display Settings
You can turn on/off the view a page part within a page without having to turn the entire page. Toggle the page part's on / off setting to either turn the page part on or off from public view.
Minimize Page Parts in the Admin View
If you have a lot of content within your page and you are wanting to only work with a specific page part's content, you can minimize the view of each page part by clicking on the minimize view link. Clicking this again will expand the page part back into full view.
Working with Page Access and Editing Restrictions
Click the links in the submenu on the left (or below) to view each of the help articles associated with restricting the public view of a page's content (Access Permissions) or the restriction of the editing of a page (Editing Permissions).
Working with Page Parts
Click Here to see detailed help articles on working with each of our page parts.
Page Templates
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