The SiteWrench Form Page Part supports sending a response to a webhook. This allows for integrations with systems like Zapier.
Follow the steps below to add webhook integration to a Form Page Part.
The Webhook integration for the SiteWrench Form is for basic webhook POSTs and does not support any authorization headers or oAuth flow at this point.
1. Navigate to Settings > Webhook in the Form Page Part Admin
2. Enable the Webhook option
3. Enter the Webhook URL
If you are POSTing to a zapier webhook, zapier will provide this in the integration's settings.
4. Add Headers (optional)
Some requests require a content-type or Authorization header. Add as many headers as needed for a request.
5. Choose HTTP Method
Sitewrench form webhooks support HTTP methods: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE.
POST is the default.
6. Select Save Settings
7. Modify the template (optional)
The default webhook template is a JSON formatted object. This can be modified if you need to change a variable name in the object or if the body needs to be in a different format than JSON.
This is purely optional. The default JSON object should work well for a basic integration.
Selecting Restore Default Template will restore the template to the default. If any field names change, you will be prompted to restore the default template. If you restore the default template, changes you have made in the past will be lost.
Be sure to Save Settings after modifying the template
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